Seeing Things As They Really Are

This Marriage Insight is a little different because it was spurred on by an email that was written to us from someone in South Africa. We believe their testimony is something we can all rejoice over, as well as learn from, together. This wife tells us she is now seeing Read More…

Dangerous Assumptions

This Marriage Insight is titled “Dangerous Assumptions” because some assumptions that we hold onto can be dangerous to our marriages. They can tip them over into the “warning zone” where survival is sometimes questionable. Others are not dangerous, but helpful. Please let us explain. There are some assumptions or judgment Read More…

Assuming the Best

Do you assume the best when your spouse says or does something, which doesn’t come out “right”? Is it your belief that he or she has your best interest at heart and truly isn’t trying to mess with you in some way? Do you naturally see your spouse in a Read More…