Judging Our Spouse’s Intentions

Do you judge your spouse’s intentions when he or she does something that irritates you? …Feldhahn in a program titled, “Uncovering the Secrets to a Happy Marriage.” The interview was based on Shaunti’s book, The Surprising Secrets of Highly Happy Marriages… “ You might wonder what this has to do about judging our spouse’s intentions.

Why Doesn’t My Spouse Change? Functional Fixedness

In such cases, spouses need to make a serious evaluation. You must be willing to create a climate in which your spouse will be motivated by his pain. This Fixedness Must Change Here’s the male insider’s view, right at the start: you have more influence over your husband than you realize.

When Spouses Grieve Differently

But what makes it all the more difficult is when you and your spouse grieve differently and you feel a distancing happening between you. This assumption can limit our purview of those who are bereaved, especially fathers.

Are You Offended By Your Spouse?

It’s absolutely common, at some point, to find yourself in a place where you’re feeling offended by your spouse. You will see it in this You Tube interview. We can forgive our spouse, as Christ has forgiven us.

Do You Cherish Your Spouse?

When we view marital love in that way, we can’t help but move to the level of cherishing our spouse, as God cherishes His children.

Praying for Your Beloved Unbelieving Spouse

When you live with an unbelieving spouse, your heart is torn in so many directions. You love your God and you love your spouse, but your spouse doesn’t love your God. To view the prayer outline that Dr Kevin Meador composed that was originally posted on the…

Tell Your Spouse “Thank You”

Have you made it a point to say, “Thank you” to your spouse lately? And then share them with your spouse. Thank God first, and above all, and then thank your spouse. As a result, my view of men was tainted.

Choosing Between Spouse and Lover: What if it’s Love?

Nearly every person we work with who leaves his or her spouse for someone they love with limerence, and then marries that person, winds up divorced eventually. It’s terribly unfair to them, and ignoring reality, to expect them to love and cherish the person they’ll view as the destroyer of their family.

Don’t Trash Your Spouse on the Internet

It’s pretty easy to get caught up in a gathering as far as talking about our spouse in ways we shouldn’t. We were listening to a Focus on the Family interview with Lysa Terkeust, when she made an important point on this issue.

What to Do When Your Spouse Won’t Change

What do you do if your spouse won’t change? it’s that I am not responsible for my spouse’s right or wrong choices. Prayerfully review the list [provided in the link above] and then answer the following question: What… HOW TO GET YOUR SPOUSE TO CHANGE

Spouse’s Night Out

Last night my husband Steve and I went to a sneak preview of a new movie that’s coming out on Mother’s Day titled, “Mom’s Night Out.” It… But I want to talk for a few minutes on giving your spouse a bit of time away sometimes when he or she needs it.

Emotionally Abandoning Spouse For Ministry

They believe that the Lord doesn’t need to involve a spouse to remove our aloneness. This view skewed my understanding of God’s design for involving me in removing Teresa’s aloneness. Is your spouse less alone today than he or she has ever been? Teresa’s View Teresa explains her reaction to my statement.

Romancing Your Spouse – MM #275

They become bankrupt gradually because they lack daily deposits of love, communication, and affirmation." (Doug Fields) Romancing your spouse is important! He viewed his job as a worthy task.

Did You Marry Spouse or Your Children?

The question we pose is, did you marry spouse or your children? But we need to keep the bigger picture in constant view of growing a healthy marriage for each other AND our children. Some spouses don’t even know each other any longer. Did You Marry Spouse or Children?