What do you hope for your marriage as the New Year approaches?

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We have a question for you that we would love for you to share with us. It concerns what you hope for your marriage. As a community that prays for each other, please tell us:


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10 responses to “What do you hope for your marriage as the New Year approaches?

  1. (SOUTH AFRICA)  My one and only hope for my marriage is that we may grow closer to God by each passing day. For me everything else that is lacking at the moment, can be and will be only fulfilled by getting closer to God and seeking His will for our marriage.

  2. (ZIMBABWE)  I wish we continue to grow both in Church and home. I wish we grow our children to love and respect all. I still want to be going to church with my family each time and every time this year.

  3. (USA)  In February we will celebrate our 32nd anniversary, and this year we are hoping to pray more together as a couple, and not just pray, but believe God will hear and act as a result. Not because our prayers are special, but because God chooses to answer us when we cry out to Him. We are re-reading A Praying Life by Paul E. Miller. We are facing many changes in our lives and increasing our prayer time together not only helps us personally, but builds our faith for the unseen, unknown future. He is the anchor that holds beyond the veil. Happy New Year! Paul and Debi, from The Romantic Vineyard

  4. (CANADA)  This site is such a beautiful beacon of hope… I pray that your effectiveness will be multiplied in the coming year… I have much to be grateful for… I have seen growth in grace and love in our marriage that I never imagined would come. In the past two years I have been off work with a debilitating illness, but as the Lord is healing my body… I can see that He is quieting my soul… creating pathways of gentleness and love that are making “pathways in the desert’ for my husband to respond to the grace and goodness of the Lord. So continued hope realized… my prayer for all who are thirsty …who have the privilege to drink at this place of refreshing… may you see Jesus- Love realized- Hope fulfilled.

  5. (SOUTH AFRICA)  My prayer for our marriage in 2011 is that we grow more in knowing God, pray together everyday and that we may have that Extraordinary Companionship spoken about earlier.

  6. (AZ, USA)  I can come up with a long list of ways I would like my husband to change in 2011 and my marriage to change in 2011, but I know the bottom line is, how can I change in 2011? What can I do to grow my relationship in the Lord? How can I be a better wife to my husband? In addition to the prayers and goals my husband and I have for the New Year, I know I need to focus on my own growth and change in the eyes of the Lord, if I want my husband and marriage to follow.

  7. (USA)  What I expect out of my marriage for 2011: Greatness: Not perfection but results that stems from working towards the marriage that God predestined for us. marriagelounge.blogspot.com

  8. (USA)  That my husband find Jesus and become a believer; he is currently searching. I pray that I can be the wife I have been called to be to him so that he can find Jesus in me.

  9. (USA/WA, LYNNWOOD)  Praise The Lord SAINTS! My Greatest hope starting this year and “For Ever”, Is for health, wealth, success in every area of our lives, Spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically, and financially.

    Strong Unity. I Pray that God will bless my Step Children’s “three different women.” One Women has two children. The two other have one each =3 Differ Women.

    Former, PAST, Children’s Mothers with the gift of Non Denominational salvation. Faster then a blink of a eye, stay saved. Righteous Morals In Jesus Name!!

  10. (ZIMBABWE)  I would like to be strong in the fellowship together with my family and to move to our new house as my husband is refusing he wants to continue staying with his parents this is just pathetic. Hope to be over this and start to enjoy real marriage life.